Shravanabelagola Temple | Gomateshwara | Bahubali Temple

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The spot Shravanabelagola Temple is popular for its Gomateshwara Temple otherwise called Bahubali Temple. Shravanabelagola has two slopes, Vindhyagiri and Chandragiri. The 58 feet tall solid sculpture of Bahubali is situated on Vindhyagiri Hill. The foundation of the sculpture has an engraving that applauds the ruler who supported the work and his general, Chavundaraya, who raised the sculpture for his mom. 

The Bahubali sculpture is both grand and big-hearted. Eminent in structure, it is a 57 feet high solid sculpture worked in around 983 A.D. The Gomateshwara Statue can be seen a good way off of 30 km.


Shravanabelagola Temple - 01 - History

As indicated by the Jain texts, Bahubali or Gomateshwara was the second child of first Tirthankara of Jains, Rishabdeva or Adinath. Shravanabelagola Temple is said that Adinath had in all out 100 children. At the point when Rishabdev left his realm, a tussle occurred between two of his children – Bharatha and Bahubali for the domain. 

Despite the fact that Bahubali crushed Bharatha in the battle yet he was disturbed because of the sharpness among him and his sibling. Subsequently, he chose to give his realm to Bharatha and went to accomplish Kevala Jnana (Absolute Knowledge).

Shravanabelagola Temple is a significant Jain journey Center in South Karnataka. Shravanabelagola is home to the 18 m high sculpture of Lord Gometeshwara; viewed as one of the world’s tallest unattached solid sculptures. Built in 981 AD by Chamundaraya, a Ganga hero, it is cut out of a solitary block of stone and weaving machines the highest point of Vindhyagiri Hill. 

It is noticeable up to 30 km away. There are almost 700 stages slashed in the stone face which should be move to have a nearby perspective on this goliath wizardry. It is astonishing to see such a lot of beauty and balance carved on a model of such enormous scope. The sculpture genuinely mirrors the possibility of incredible strength without any trace of fury and outrage. This huge solid sculpture of Lord Gomateshwara will leave you in wonder. The encompassing walled in areas has pictures of all the Jain Tirthankaras.

The sculpture is alluded to as ‘The sculpture of Gomateshwar’ by the Kannada nation of Karnataka and the equivalent is alluded to as Bahubali by the Jains. At regular intervals, at the Shravanabelagola slope, a great many enthusiasts, sightseers come to praise the ‘Mahamastakabhisheka celebration’. Enthusiasts sprinkle water on the sculpture from a high stage. 

After water is sprinkled, the sculpture is washed with lots of milk, sugarcane juice, and the saffron blossoms glue. The following Mahamastakabhisheka celebration is supposed to be held in the year 2030. In the year 2007, this sublime sculpture was deliberated with the best position among the country’s seven marvels.

Shravanabelagola Temple – Architecture

Shravanabelagola Temple - 02 - Architecture

The Shravanabelagola Temple Gomatheeswara sculpture is the biggest solid icon on the planet. It traverses hundreds of years with various decision lines and rulers adding their own commitments as is a living verifiable proof of the last centuries. Students of history portray the icon of the Lord as both superb and kindhearted – delightful and smooth, amazing yet peaceful.

Shravanabelagola Temple is this incomprehensible mix of excellence and peacefulness that gives the Shravanabelagola its extraordinary allure. Standing 57 feet tall, the Lord is a signal for the world-exhausted who rush here to shed their common weights and to embrace an existence of harmony and ahimsa, meaning peacefulness.

Shravanabelagola Temple – Religious significance

Shravanabelagola Temple - 03 - Religious

Bahubali, as the Jains call Lord Gomatheeswara, offers the way to timeless bliss by assisting a man with carrying on with a daily existence sensitive to the normal world around him and not really hurting any living being. The Jains accept that Bahubali is enriched with incredible characteristics that rouse renunciation, illumination, and achieve salvation.

Like clockwork Jains from everywhere, in the world meets for the Mahamastakabhisekha in which the Lord is embellished with a large number of liters of milk, curds, ghee, saffron, and gold coins. The last one was in 2006 thus the following will be held in 2018.

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Shravanabelagola Temple - 04 - Vindhyagiri hill

Vindhyagiri is an enormous rough slope 133 meters over the ground (1002 meters above ocean level). The Gomateshwara sculpture is situated at the highest point of Vidhyagiri slope, encompassed by a sanctuary complex. Arriving at the top requires climbing many advances cut on the stone in Shravanabelagola Temple. Cart administration is accessible to convey senior residents wishing to visit the sanctuaries and sculpture on Vindhyagiri

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Chandragiri Hill

Shravanabelagola Temple - 05 - Chandragiri Hill

Chandragiri slope is situated inverse to Vindhyagiri. 14 distinct sanctuaries (Jain Basadi) are found on top of Chandragiri, the most unmistakable ones being Shantinatha, Parshvanatha, and Chandragupta basadi.


Shravanabelagola Temple - 06 - Mahamasthakabhisheka

Perhaps the most exciting demonstration of love can be seen here during the eminent Mahamasthakabhisheka function. Like clockwork, Jain pioneers accumulate here to partake in the brilliant Mahamasthakabhisheka of the Lord (head-blessing function). From a uniquely raised platform, ministers and enthusiasts pour many pots of curd, milk, honey, vermilion, coconut water, turmeric glue, and, surprisingly, gold and valuable gems over the sculpture’s head. The entire construction is flooded with various tones which is a sight worth seeing. The latest Maha Mastakabhisheka was held in 2018.

Timings: Shravanabelagola Temple sanctuary timings are 6.30 AM to 11.30 AM and 3.30 PM to 6.30 PM. To some extent, a portion of a day is prescribed to investigate the slopes of Shravanabelagola.

How to reach Shravanabelagola?

Instructions to arrive at Shravanabelagola: Shravanabelagola is 145 km from Bengaluru and 85 km from Mysuru

Via Air: Mysuru is the closest air terminal 85 km away

Via Train: Shravanabelagola has a train station with up to five distinct trains giving network from Bengaluru every day.

By Road: Buses are additionally accessible from Hasan to Shravanabelagola. Spots of interest here can be investigated by walking.

Spots to remain close to Shravanabelagola: Being a significant Jain Pilgrimage Center, the sanctuary the board runs two Dharamshalas or visitor houses which can be reserved subject to accessibility by visiting sanctuary workplaces. Financial plan lodgings are accessible in Shravanabelagola town. More stay choices are accessible at Chennarayapattana town 12 km from Shravanabelagola.

Spot to visit close to Shravanabelagola

  • Shettihalli Church (72kms)
  • Markonahalli dam (62 km)
  • Sakaleshapura (92 km)
  • Melukote (35 km), KRS Dam (60 km)
  • Beluru and Halebidu (90 kms) are a portion of the attractions which can be visited alongside a visit through Shravanabelagola.

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