Why Valentine’s Day is Celebrated | TBI

Explore why Valentine's Day is Celebrated



Valentine’s Day also known as the feast of St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on the 14th of February annually. On this day, Lovers don’t shy away to show their affection and love towards their chosen one. To answer Why Valentine’s Day is Celebrated, we have put together this blog to share the understanding of it.

Why Valentine’s Day is Celebrated

Why Valentine’s Day is Celebrated

Valentine’s Day is really an exuberant day that consists of people treating their other halves with the at-most care and warmth, trying to portray their sincere fondness towards them. Maybe that’s why Valentine’s Day is celebrated not only extends to Lovers but also by Friends and Family.

This is the time of the Year when people exchange Gifts and Letters to show their appreciation for one and other. This is basically the only Festival of the year that all religions practice and it is such a heartwarming scenario to spectate.

The festival celebrates the coming of spring, including the fertility rite and pairing women with men through the lottery.

Valentine’s Day was not celebrated as a day of romance until the 14th Century.

Loads of gifts and loads of love make you realize how special life is and it makes it easier to enjoy your days with the perfect one right next to you making your life Merry.

The reason why Valentine’s Day is Celebrated in February is that it was thought that the bird’s mating season begins in mid-February, and the birds also became a symbol representing the day. Traditional gifts include chocolate and pretty flowers, particularly the red rose, a symbol of beauty and affection.


In the earlier days in the Far West, the 14th of February was marked as the day when most of the couples get married and mark their anniversary on this Festive Day.

Couples usually have the best time together on Valentine’s Day because the day is well known for lovers to be together. Maybe that’s why Valentine’s Day is celebrated all over the world with the most sincerity.

History of Valentine’s Day

Why Valentine’s Day is Celebrated

Valentine’s Day is named after Saint Valentine, a Catholic priest who survived in Rome in the early 3rd Century. There are different stories about St Valentine and over time these stories grew into a legend everybody knows today.

In Valentine’s life, many Romans were made to convert to Christianity, but Emperor Claudius II was a religious missionary and he created strict laws about what Christians were allowed to do. Claudius believed that Roman soldiers shall be entirely devoted to Rome and therefore passed an impartial law preventing the soldiers from getting married. St Valentine started marrying these soldiers in secret through Christian rights and this was the start of his reputation for believing in the equality of love.

Eventually, St. Valentine was caught and was jailed for his crimes against Claudius’s rule. While he was behind bars, Valentine always cared for the prisoners who were with him and also for the jailor’s daughter who was blind. Legend says Valentine cured the Jailor’s daughter’s blindness and that in his final act before his execution was to write her a letter of love signed as ‘from your Valentine’. Valentine was executed on 14 February 270.

7 Days of Valentines

When is Valentine’s Day

Every Year, Valentine’s Day for couples is celebrated daily a week prior to it. Every day is different and with Special themes. Couples usually gift their loved ones according to the theme of that day.

Couples usually have a grand celebration to showcase their love for the other one. This is usually done in loving surrounding with the perfect gift to see the happy face of your partner.


Day 1 | February 7

Rose Day


Day 2 | February 8

Propose Day


Day 3 | February 9

Chocolate Day


Day 4 | February 10

Teddy Day


Day 5 | February 11

Promise Day


Day 6 | February 12

Hug Day


Day 7 | February 13

Kiss Day


Day 8 | February 14

Valentine’s Day

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