Here is some of what the jury is hearing in courtroom three of the Supreme Court.

Gregory Lynn, 57, is telling the court why he didn’t call police after the deaths of campers Russell Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73.

“I feared that I would be blamed for it,” he says.

“It would be devastating for everything that was important for me.”

Crown prosecutor Daniel Porceddu is asking Lynn about why he didn’t preserve the scene, so police could verify his version of events.

“I could have followed that pathway,” Lynn said. “Things are worse for me now. It’s a disaster, and it would have been a disaster had I gone to the police.”

Porceddu: If you had left him [Hill] with the knife stuck in his heart, wouldn’t have that confirmed your story?

Lynn: Yes, that is evidence that would confirm my story.

Porceddu is also asking Lynn if he had plenty of time to work out a story to tell the police between the time the pair vanished and when police found him.

“To be honest, my plan was to disappear, and for a long time I thought I had, and I hadn’t made up any plans,” Lynn said.
