Pandya Store witnessed its biggest leap after the entire star cast of Kinshuk Mahajan, Kanwar Dhillon, Shiny Doshi, among others were replaced by Rohit Chandel and Priyanshi Yadav. After Dhaval and Natasha became the lead characters of the show, audience has been showering them with love as their romance too witnessed some gripping twists. The family drama has now left everyone in intrigue as audiences are eager to know what’s cooking ahead on the show.

Pandya Store: Star Plus show to go for another generation leap; Rohit Chandel confirms

Pandya Store: Star Plus show to go for another generation leap; Rohit Chandel confirms

With the growing love for the chemistry between Rohit Chandel and Priyanshi Yadav, here is something for more fans that will pique their excitement. As the current track of the show revolves around Dhaval and Natasha, in the sudden turn of events, Natasha tries to save Amrish, but unfortunately, he falls into the river. On the other hand, she realises she is pregnant, and soon she will disclose it to Dhawal. Sources believe that the Pandya Store is gearing up for a leap, and if they are to be believed, then it is being said that this one too will be another major generational leap.

Actor Rohit Chandel aka Dhaval has confirmed the same. He shared, “Pandya Store is gearing up for a generation leap. Dhaval’s character is going to go through some alterations post-generation leap as Dhaval and Natasha have parted ways. With the generation leap, the audience will get to witness immense drama as Natasha will lose her memory, while Dhaval has become a business tycoon and has also become more mature. It will be interesting to witness the drama that unfolds in the lives of Dhaval and Natasha, and will there be a cupid who will make these two meet once again? Stay Tuned!”.

Meanwhile, it will be intriguing to witness what is in store for Dhaval and Natasha post-generation leap and what drama unfolds in the lives of the duo. Produced by Sphere Origins. Pandya Store stars Kruttika Desai, Ankur Nayyar, Abhishek Sharma, Ananya Khare, among others. Sahil Uppal essayed the role of Natasha’s brother but has made an exit from the show recently. The show airs on Star Plus from Monday to Sunday at 7.30 p.m.

Also Read: Sahil Uppal quits Pandya Store; actor pens emotional note


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